I have so many photos and so little time to post. *sigh* here are just a few of my faves.
a smogless view of our city from the island Ferry
I made these pink warmers for my mom for her b-day
and she surprised me with the fuchsia cables.
no pattern required -- she truly is amazing!
she did get quite a kick out of the thumbs.
(i cannot repeat her comment) mom!
I've been hankerin' to get a new tattoo but the tight budget
and lack of commitment are holding me back.
so instead Hubs the Artist has been "sharpie-ing" various pieces on my skin.
I am a canvas.
Oooh! Oooh! Is that PERMANENTLY there or what?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
mella!! i made a boo boo last night. i had uploaded the pix and thought that i had "saved as draft". oops! there's copy there now to explain the pix, but i've been trying like mad to fix a typo and for some reason the same post keeps getting posted. i hate typos!!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
It is all clear now, grasshopper!
Still, you make a lovely canvas :)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I'm loving the bracelet - perfect fall colours!
The search for an Elvis record to melt continues, although it would seem like sacrilege!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
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